Anyone use CB radio ?


Full Member
Hi - I just wondered - does anyone use CB radio these days - that is amongst the wild camping motorhoming community ??

Saw them in Maplins yesterday at about £60.

Would be interested to know.


Got one in the garage, didn't get into it much when it was in fashion. Might be better now as most of the chatter used to be a bit juvenile & they have probably moved on to texting. Disappointed in the range you could get even with a big aerial & a booster.
i have one in the shed and am going to get it fitted this winter. we got ourself a concoy

i have one in the shed and am going to get it fitted this winter. we got ourself a convoy

Likewise, one in the shed, used to be now't but idiots on the air so gave up and went sideband. Got as far out as Kentucky in usa but time to play disappeared. Last time I listened in there was nothing on at all round here so now don't bother.
what channel do you set the cb on to pick up other motorhome users
I used one in Blackpool for most of the 80s and bits of the 90s on and off . 3 years ago i put one in the Mazda Bongo which i then had and found hardly anyone use CBs now. I travelled up to the far North of Scotland and Snowdonia and found very little activity from this country (many stations from Europe though if you like DX'ing ). So i sold it on Ebay. Its a shame really as i thought it would of been great for the camper. If we are travelling in convoy anywhere we now use 446 mhz radios especially as the ones i have are 4 watt which is the output of legal CB radios.


what channel do you set the cb on to pick up other motorhome users

There is a thread running on another forum currently and I asked the same question. I was told that ch20 had been suggested some time ago but that there was not much activity.

I have one in my Motorhome as well as Ham equipment. I have the CB on ch19 on the road and have only had two contacts in 4 years. Very usefull if traveling in convoy or for meeting up at a pre arranged site or meeting point.

I tried it in the early days when it first became legal, I could not believe the Adult children and bad language that was used on it or the total drivel that was spoken, I don't know what it is like now buy I have my suspicions, what's wrong with Mobile Telephones any way ?:D
hi seems i could be similar to the rest have acouple of old am sets acouple of cb81 fm and an electronica 360 sidebander all tucked away as memories . these days acouple of walkie talkies from lidl /aldi ideal for travelling in a group . legal look like telephones when going through maroc border and no licence needed . just about every one i know as a set . ideal for sending the mrs into a supermarket with .always get the self charging ones the battery ones eat batteries .
Walkie talkie handsets are probably more useful than a CB, we have also used them for communicating when stopping at shops/supermarket etc. also handy for keeping in touch when manoeuvring the van in tight places.
Thanks everyone for your replies - I also looked at the 2010 thread - So it looks like CB is dead or at least dying which is a shame really because whilst mobile phones are good they are only on a one to one basis and assume you know the number of the person you want to call!! If you want to do a broadcast call to organise an evening event or BBQ they are no use. I also thought that CB radio would help us with regards to security - like if we were Wilding somewhere and something or someone was a bit suspicious.

CB would only be any good if the majority of us are doing it. Maybe advertise on the m/h side that you are on CB Channel 20 or whatever?

Yes we do use handheld radios for manouvering and thay are really useful for that!

Maybe its just back to good old networking and talking!

Lovely weeekend for camping !!


I used to have a cb radio in my car, a long time ago, but nowadays run a Kenwood 446Mhz radio through my autocom on my motorbike for bike to bike coms, and have used them when I had my VW van and 6 berth caravan, whilst trying to get in and out of my drive at home hitched up!!
I usually take two of the Kenwoods with us on our travels in the motorhome, just in case (in case what?)...
I don't know what the size of a cb radio would be now, but I would struggle to find a place for it, if it got used!!!

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