Anyone need cushions?


Put the old CF in a ditch last week write -off, have a large quantity of cushions many newly recovered it was a Dormobile Landcruiser any one interested post a reply and i'll give you the sizes etc. not the happiest day of the year!
I'm sorry to hear that! I take it that you now no longer need the cab mat?

Im interested in the cushions, what have you got?

Im looking for caravan bench type cushions, for bedding mattres

Hi mate I will have a measure up tomorrow and post details tomorrow night cheers .
ok cool, let me know coz ive been after sum for ages but cant afford the prices charged for foam ect

SORRY FOR THE DELAY there is only one long cushion 78"x24" the rest are squares 30"x30" and some 36"x12" dont know if there any use to you the problem is distance I am in will probably cost you a bomb to get here!! Let me know, Cheers
Id be interested in the long much you want for it?

i just need to get em sum how. hmmmmmmmmm

Any kind soul travelling from or through Cambridge to the Swindon area and has room for these cushions???

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