Anyone got a JLS Satseeker Dish?


Full Member
My new to me motorhome came with one but I reckon the previous owner pulled the wool over my eyes on this one as it wont lock on. He sent me a pic of the dish up and the TV working as it wouldnt lock on when we were there and we put it down to being in front of his house.

I had it parked in open ground today and gave it five minutes tuning in but it wont lock on.

Anyway I located the company that supplies them in Wakefield. Sounds a good bit of kit but he said straight away it will need an upgrade as there were changes made recently. The upgrade costs £75 and I can either turn up with the van or send the controller in. Just wondered if anyone has one and if they had the same issue and is there no way of doing the upgrade yourself?

I noticed when I got the van home the digital aerial was plugged into the TV and the booster box was on in the wardrobe. I Reckon the pictures the seller sent me of it working was from that and not the Sat dish! :) Cheeky barsteward!

Its no biggie. We don't watch much live TV and it will work off the Digital aerial off the roof anyway if there is a decent signal. Just would have been nice to have it working.
At a guess I would say it's because of sat frequency changes, had this on my iSat dish, that was until it completely lost ability to lock on to Astra 2, you can check by trying Astra 1 as that doesn't seem to change.
At a guess I would say it's because of sat frequency changes, had this on my iSat dish, that was until it completely lost ability to lock on to Astra 2, you can check by trying Astra 1 as that doesn't seem to change.

Thanks. Never thought of that. I think you can do that with this dish. I had to drive up the A66 to find a layby to tune in that had clear line of sight so ill try it another day. It will still need doing though I guess unless we want to watch funny foreigner rubbish all summer. :D
A bit annoying if you have to go to them every time that changes are made on the satellite. I can update my controller by downloading an update file and installing it myself. Jacksons do say on their website: "Any transponder frequency changes, can be edited by the user with our easy to follow “Noddy & BigEars” Guide" but perhaps that's for a different range.
A bit annoying if you have to go to them every time that changes are made on the satellite. I can update my controller by downloading an update file and installing it myself. Jacksons do say on their website: "Any transponder frequency changes, can be edited by the user with our easy to follow “Noddy & BigEars” Guide" but perhaps that's for a different range.

Yes they do say that.

I believe this is their own branded product designed to give all the features of the more expensive ones but a bit cheaper. Its still nearly £2k mind. I wonder if its been some kind of special update or something. I don't recall ever having to update my Camos in 16 years although I do remember the Mk1 Camos dome going obsolete overnight as it couldn't be updated when things changed. Ill call them on Monday again and see what he says.