anybody doing a self build


Ive got a small stainless sink,a 4 burner hob with grill and sink attached 2 waste water canisters ,a skylight ,camping gaz bottle with heater on,2camping gaz 2 hob cooker,and other bits and bobs.
all going
CHEAP get in quick.
cheers Eddie.
Ive got a small stainless sink,a 4 burner hob with grill and sink attached 2 waste water canisters ,a skylight ,camping gaz bottle with heater on,2camping gaz 2 hob cooker,and other bits and bobs.
all going
CHEAP get in quick.
cheers Eddie.

Hey eddie your not packing it in already are you????
hi mutus i'm in the process of a self build are the sink and cooker surface mount, thr type where you cut a hole in worktop, also what size is the sky light looking for 40 x 40.
i'm just down the road ferryhill
Hi Andrew

Not a chance Andy,the thing with tents is you dont need a MOT unlike this van which has iust cost me 330 quid for welding the floor but the sickner was i had to gut it first so im rebuilding it.Mark 2 here we come.

some toe rag is 20 quid richer dont mention postmen.

cheers Eddie
Hi Degzie

Hi Degzie it helps if i put who the pm is for.oops
hi mutus
sent a pm re your phone no, sounds like a fax machine.

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