Any Others From Across the Pond

Little Kopit

Thanks roifromwales for the link, I think I shall find it quite useful.

A couple of treks to places over there are 'in planning' for after retirement.

A friend from the continent sent me Practical Motorhome and Motorcaravan Motorhome Monthy.

I've already posted on the topic about keeping as many 'wild' sites around.

Site Wishes
- I wish I could see something with each post to give me an idea of where a member is from.
- & if some techy would do it (I know with Invision it's technicially possible) I would like "Newfoundland, CA" to appear to the left of my posts along with my user name, member status.......
- If there has ever been a post in a section, I wish they all were listed when I click on that section name. Right now, if the most recent post is a month old, that doesn't happen.


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