Another thing i need help with !!!!


When test driving the van yesterday it became apparent that i shall need to devise something to keep all the cupboards shut whilst in transit, doh a magnet or a catch i here you all say.
Yeh but what i have i mind for consideration is a lenght of dowling say or tougher a lenght of metal rod fed through the side of each unit in turn in the row and coming out of a corresponding hole at the other end and running through pipe clips screwed onto the backside of the doors thus forming an impregnable barrier and an invisible one to scraots who want to rip you of and also a far better thing to look at as you wouldn't see it as my units are all a lovely beech colour and look really good all in a line as they are so i really don't want to ruin them with big stupid catches or handles.
Has anyone done this type of thing before or have i now just totally gone off the deep end al together :D .
Do lets hear your views on this and my other queries elsewhere.
Yours for now

i dont think you need to be so woried about being in anymore danger than at home we have stayed in laybys carparks even in middle of woods just be aware as normal if it dont feel ok then listen to your feelings you have to try to park where there are other motor homes at first until you feel you are confident enough to just pull up in some of the most quiet most relaxing places you will ever find both myself and my wife are 50 +and love the isolation after a hard weeks work it aint such a weird world out there so go and enjoy
You are most probably right i am only trying to avoid future problems now whilst i have the time to think as against when something goes wrong being in my working life self employed i had to problem solve on the go constantly maybe now ive retired completely it just hasn't worn of me yet, thanks for the encouragement i will keep it in mind though
i take it you mean as in the type that are used in commercailly made caravans and the likes but are they up to stopping everything falling out all over the floor everytime i turn a corner ? again as beow im possibly making problems for myself by wanting to overcome things that dont exist possibly ?
ducatobuild said:
im possibly making problems for myself by wanting to overcome things that dont exist possibly ?

I think you may be right!!
the manufacturors seem to have got it right when it comes to fittings ect.
your going to need to pull some high g's to get your cupboard doors ect to open while cornering. all our cupboard doors are on domestic kitchen hinges and small magnets which are up to the job.
you should only place heavy items(TV ect) at floor level(under seats or on the floor ect)and lighter items(clothes, bedding) in overhead cupboards to prevent the van going top-heavy and affecting handling.:eek:
the only door we've had fly open was the fridge as we forgot to set the safety catch.:eek:
as for scroats robbing you, i dont think anything will prevent them from opening the doors but they'll cause one hell of a lot of damage when they force them off their hinges.


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