Another leisure battery question...

Freaky Konnie

Hi all hope you are all coping with the snow, we have been quite lucky here as it snowed a couple of Sundays ago and it is still here on the mountain and we get a few a flurries now and again but not half as bad as you have had it...Anyway we are going up to Scotland for Christmas (Ayr) and Edinburgh for New Year...Now I want a leisure battery (120 or 125 AH) and was wondering if any of you good people (thats not supposed to sound patronising but it does :eek:) living anywhere in them regions know anywhere I could get one at a reasonable price. I can get one over here but I am talking about £ 80 to £100 for an 110 AH one...So I dont mind paying that sort of price for the 120 or 125 one ... Thanks...
See if you can get a standard lead acid starter battery of the capacity you want for the price you want.

Most so-called leisure batteries in that price range are little more than starter batteries anyway.

Try Leisure Power in Warrington (01925 234888) on the way and mention me, they should be able to help out and look after you.

Have a good time.


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Thnks both of you for replying have been reading up on them and I think that I am going for a lead acid starter battery,,,Will try and get to Warrington nick, but boat goes to Heysham maybe a bit too far up to come back down .If you get what I mean;)
If you can get down to Preston Riversway leisure or Todds may be able to help.
Another option is to get two cheaper starter batteries of say 70 to 80 Ah each and connect them in parallel. Because these capacity batteries are manufactured in much greater numbers it's often easier to get deals at your local motorist discount centre.

Now you've got 160 Ah and only take a half or third discharge like 50-80 Ah before you recharge.

If you are using starter or even "leisure" batteries this is much kinder on the batteries and they'll last a lot longer. It's much better than caning a 110Ah battery for 80 Ah for example.

:D now there's a bit of sense..... after oceans of guff about batteries I read something thought -IT'S MUCH WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING AWHILES AND OPENS UP AVENUES FOR SOLAR PANELS ...THANKS MAN FOR FOSTERING THE THOUGHT ]
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