Amazon Black friday


Full Member
Anyone heard of this,apparently every year Amazon have a week of sales where prices can be up to 75% off on various items including electronics, etc.
The catch, it seems to be rather like an auction where you bid for stuff you may or may not get but I was told about it by friends who got some good items.
Some items are only on sale for 15 minutes while others are available for several hours.
It's on from Nov 21st -25th
They did last year, all the items were limited supply so you had to be ready to press the buy it button. New item came up for sale every few minutes, each item has a count down clock to you can see when it comes up.

"Black Friday" is an american thing-the start of the chirstmas shopping season on thankgiving weekend (last friday in november) I think?

A few of us tried to bag a bargain-none of us did!

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