Alvor Portugal Wild in the Pines


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4,260 We arrived at Alvor and intended to use the pay aire at the beach but there had been a lot of rain the day before and the aire looked a right mess flooded and churned up so we decided to take our chances and wild camp in the pines next to the aire, we did well because we had 4 nights there with no trouble, and was able to get water and dump at the aire. Alvor is a super place , lots of board walks and beach walks nice town and stunning cliff walks, we moved further up the road to Alvor beach for a couple of nights so we could do further walks across the headland to Praia d Roche , there are a lot of sink holes in the headland and deep holes through to the sea below which was wild and noisy, great. A lot of the beach had been washed away in the storms and there was a lot of huge piles of new sand on the beach waiting to be used to reform the beach.
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