With a bit of help from my daughter's boyfriend, the solar panel has now taken up residence on the roof and there is just the wiring to do tomorrow. France seems a lot nearer now there are only a few days to go and I've become an avid reader of anything French and viewer of French websites to bring my language skills up to speed. Hopefully by the end of next month my French will be a lot better and if I decide to come back via Switzerland and Germany my German will be better as well. I once had a German CD which was totally useless as it contained things like 'I have left my umbrella in the post office', when 'How much is the fare to Dusseldorf' might have been more use. Tomorrow will be checking day, checking documents, checking any bits I need for the car, such as the headlight deflectors I was reminded about this evening and making sure I've got all the books I need.