Allotment holder's


Any other allotment holders on the forum? Just wondering if you are suffering the same problems we are having this year.Only thing this rain is doing is allowing the weeds to grow back in what seems a matter of hours.Also need to move our chicken coop to different part of the allotment as poor chickens are just parading around in mud.On a plus for some reason we had a bumber crop of raspberries and strawberries (or strawberryberries as our 4 yr old calls them :) )
In the words of Capt Mainwaring,

Stupid boy, Grow water cress? :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
Not many plumbs and no pears this year or peaches and apricots, come to that.
Just sayin'
My neighbour is unhappy with his pear trees, they've made about 25% growth this year in comparison to other years, no blossom = no fruit.
Tomato's in his greenhouse are well behind, his wife is reading on 101 things to do with green tomato's!!!!
The rest of his veg is slow but growing, but we didn't suffer from such dry conditions as some in the South East/East, yes it's Wales and it rains there before the comments!!

Field cereal crops are behind and although starting to ripen, the rain will bugger the harvest, stock up on flour now!!

Grass for the cattle and sheep is going well, but it's very unusual for the cows to be covered in mud at this time of year, heaven help us in the winter!!
Plums and pears produced blossom , the fruit then withered, strawberries are not ripening, raspberries slow to ripen, greenhouse tomatos only just beginning to flower and onlt a foot tall. Onions going to seed, beetroot and parsnip failed altogether, slugs and snails doing well having consumed ALL of my runner beans and French beans 30 odd plants This year is a washout apples have all developed rust. Broad beans gave one picking only, no fowering for a second crop. All in all a disasterous year in the garden. Calves are growing nicely though
Hi, its s**te ive 3 apples, 1pear & 8 plums loads of raspberries and strawbs , looks like raspberry and strawb jam then:tongue:
Have given up with my greenhouse toms (only just flowering now), cucumbers & marrows. Didn't bother with onions. The only thing that was doing well was my strawberries in the greenhouse but I've been away so much in the van recently that they suffered from drought and I think I've lost them all. Various sapling trees in pots doing well, also herb pots but that's it from my garden this year :sad:

edit : also various flowers not done well - gypsophelia (spelling??!!) barely sprouted, only 1 geranium flower so far, no lilies. But spring forget-me-nots were spectacular and marguerites have done well. Also lots of new growth on old rooted Xmas trees.

I have been wondering about having a planter on the double front seat in the cab with some herbs and maybe a couple of onions. An idea to progress at some point.
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No allotment but my flowering Cherry Tree is looking poorly. Probably due to waterlogged roots.

Hydrangeas looking weak and weedy and only just starting to flower.

I might have to plant Rice if this is going to be normal for the UK. :cry:
just returned from 3 weeks in bulgaria 46 degrees went over allotment couldnt find for weeds dug up new pots some have rotted ,broad beans and strawberries doing well ,have spent last 2 days sything down grass so i can get a mower between beds ,what a contrast to last year no rain early on cheers john
So all in all we are going through the same :mad: I actually went to Tesco yesterday to take them up on their offer of 2 x chilli or tomato plants for a fiver just because they were fruiting really well already needed to have something to show for this year :rolleyes2:
Strawberries are doing well. It looks like I'll have a very good crop of blueberries and cranberries this year. I've not grown much else as I've been too busy with my van. Just heard on the news the price of potatoes is set to soar because of the bad harvest. The price of a bag of chips could be going up 10p to 15p..
Strawberries are doing well. It looks like I'll have a very good crop of blueberries and cranberries this year. I've not grown much else as I've been too busy with my van. Just heard on the news the price of potatoes is set to soar because of the bad harvest. The price of a bag of chips could be going up 10p to 15p..

They already have soared Wednesday and Friday i deliver 20kg sacks of spuds to my customers from my little grocery shop and couldnt believe they had gone up £2.99 overnight.Unlucky for me as i had already taken payment for them in advance at usual price :(
My redcurrant bush has so many enormous berries this year that the branches have all fallen down. I've had to cut lots of growth off to allow them to ripen.
When I first had this garden in the 70s, I used to grow a lot of species of primulas, which I loved, but it eventually got too dry for them. In view of the last couple of rainy summers, I've bought some seed of candelabra primulas and will try again. Might stop it raining!
not got an allotment but we own a chippy so suffer with the potato farmers! New potato season and prices gone through the roof as the ground is too wet and they can't dig em up and what does come up is rotten. £2 a 25k bag more than this time last year and I can't put my prices up so it means less trips out in the van :sad:
Glad I am not the only one - do be honest I knew in my heart that something was up this year regarding the weather and so not bothered with the plot. Glad I didn't to be honest. As long as my hens (and their boyfriend) are fed and watered then I am happy. Always another year.

Still.. great results on weeds :mad2:
Had a really good crop of potatoes and beetroot...South East so had a really dry spell preceding this monsoon weather! Lost lots of sweetcorn plants to the ****pigeons. Tomatoes doing well but a bit slow, and we seem to have hundreds of self seeders this year. Runner beans look pathetic, but may just be retarded (We hope) . Courgettes dried out , were replaced, then rotted..same with the butternuts.Replacements growing under cover to protect them from the rain not the sun! Raspberries look as though they will be good, but a bit of sunshine would help. Herbs are doing really well for some reason, shame the lettuces are not! Salad will be more herby than usual. :tongue:
Had a really good crop of potatoes and beetroot...South East so had a really dry spell preceding this monsoon weather! Lost lots of sweetcorn plants to the ****pigeons. Tomatoes doing well but a bit slow, and we seem to have hundreds of self seeders this year. Runner beans look pathetic, but may just be retarded (We hope) . Courgettes dried out , were replaced, then rotted..same with the butternuts.Replacements growing under cover to protect them from the rain not the sun! Raspberries look as though they will be good, but a bit of sunshine would help. Herbs are doing really well for some reason, shame the lettuces are not! Salad will be more herby than usual. :tongue:

My neighbour gave us some lovely Beetroots, and the leaves are really tasty when steamed (like spinnach but better).
gooseberries and logan berries have done well... blackcurrants look good so far....tomatoe plants are doing ok in the polytunnel, picked a few runner beans and broad beans today and theres a lot of flower on the dwarf french beans. salad leaves have also done well inside. the outdoor veg beds are a mass of weed cos i aint touched them this year. i should find the time to strim them off and cover in black plasticbefore hey get out of control....just finished mowing the lawn ..suns still out mrs and here mother are fast asleep so im off to the far reaches of the garden to pick logan berries and frighten the wildlife in me sandals. :)
yes, we're in the same boat, our veggies are really suffering at the allotment but yes, we've also had prolific strawberries and raspberries ! We keep our chickens at home so they're ok as we let them out regularly to free range in the garden.
When's the best time to buy a sack of potato's from the main crop that'll last a few months kept in the old wash house (cool)?. As there's only the two of us, a sack goes down more slowly, but it's much better than getting from super market every week and the money goes direct to the producer and they last longer if they're dirty.

Do dirty carrots and onions last like potatoes??

Wish I could grow my own

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