Ah well never mind


Its very obvious that peoplejust look this site up take the infomation and never join or participate in the day to day postings of this site. Over the last few weeks have met some of the new bread od motorhome wild camper, and spoke to some land owners about this hobby of ours. The land owners responce now is that too much rubbish is being left behind for them to pick up. Unless these new motorhomers clear up we will be treated like the hippies of the past and what we have as popular stop overs will cease to be and then we will have nowhere to stop. I ended up taking the flack after another motorhomer left rubbish dog mess and the like. ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE TO TAKE YOUR RUBBISH HOME OR DISPOSE OF IT PROPERLY

Hi Folks,

I totaly agree, we are our own worst enemies. Park up overnight, carrier bag out of the door in the morning and away. I've seen it happen time and time again, these people have no intelligence or thought for fellow campers.


Originally posted by Campervanman@Jan 31 2006, 08:59 PM
Over the last few weeks have met some of the new bread od motorhome wild camper, and spoke to some land owners about this hobby of ours. The land owners responce now is that too much rubbish is being left behind for them to pick up. Unless these new motorhomers clear up we will be treated like the hippies of the past and what we have as popular stop overs will cease to be and then we will have nowhere to stop.
Yes I agree. Unfortunately some people haven't managed to work that one out yet, are just too damn lazy and have no respect for other peoples property. As with most things in life, there is always a minority spoiling it for the rest of us!.

(steps down from soapbox)
No need to single out any one particular set. Just apply your comments to the MAJORITY of people
these days, not the minority. When the public, young & old have to be told how to behave it's simply a reflection of their attitude to others. Some Motorhome owners are no better nor worse than others.
Just try looking at a canal/river bank after a days fishing, or car parks where a food outlet is located, or a hang-out area for yobs the following morning. Need I go on?

Must get a new soap-box, this one's a bit iffy.
Hi all,
If children were taught when they were very young to respect other people's property, and to be tidy and put the rubbish where it belongs in the bin. We wouldn't be in the mess we are in today.
That's my tuppence worth.

With friendly greetings,
hello ian,what is the law as regards being in the the van and having returned from the pub but with no intentions of going any where? some one told me that you should leave your keys outside the van to avoid being breathilised ,surely this isn,t true. please don,t let it be true.irene
I have to agree with all the above. especially about those who take the info and do not give anything back in return.
we use various places and always leave them clean and tidy, even to the extent of picking up other peoples rubbish.
the things that stick in my mind
one place we have used for 5 years has been made part of a national park and the no camping signs went up straight away. we had policed it everytime we were there, picking up rubbish etc and making friends with locals.
now they have a ranger there [up to 8pm]
I still had to put out a fire in a rubbish bin because some moron had disposed of his disposable barbie in it while still glowing.
where was the ranger. sat in his hut of course on his gr8 f*t a**e.
he did not like us overnighting [for a week] and tried all sorts to get us to move.
one night a female [young and small] turned up at 12 30 am and told us we were breaking the law [wrong and she had to admit it]. she said that the no camping signs had gone up because of the young unruly lot in cars who came out there for parties and made lots of noise upsetting the locals.
there was a bunch of them we could hear. I asked her was she going to do something about those that were actually making the noise and causing the problem.
she was absolutely amazed that i should consider this. she said but i'm a female and on my own.
my reply
"yes but it is your job, that for which you are paid.
you are willing to harrass us who are not doing anything wrong but not willing to actually do anything about the problem causers"
I even volunteered to go with her as back up.
she left.
we stayed.

the problem is that we do not stand uyp for ourselves in this country
the result
we are targeted for easy money in fines and other things.

i had to laugh today as i read in the paper that dog poo was going to be dna'd so that the owners could be traced and fined [not funny fine is £1000] yet a man who raped a 14 year old while she lay there with a head wound that actually she died from got a whole 9 years.
surely if he had got help instead of having sex with her she might have lived therefore he should have been done for rape and manslaughter.

what a f********g country we live in now
This problem seems to be far too common these days.

There will always be people who are hell-bent on spoiling things for the rest of us.
We find nice quiet places to 'over night' and then get persecuted for it even though we are more likely to go around picking up other peoples rubbish than dropping our own.
If only everyone had the decency, respect, courtesy and consideration that we must all share, then this country would be a much more open and tolerant place to live.
Who would object to wild-campers if we were able to offer a cast-iron guaratee that no noise, litter or damage would be created by our presence?. I'm guessing the answer is "not many" but how do we offer that guarantee when we now live in a country of understandable mistrust?

I say "shoot the scumbags who cause willful damage, write graffiti, drop litter, don't pick up their dogs' mess e.t.c. and let the rest of us get on with simply enjoying..."

:( I have to agree with the above. BTW. Nice to see your username again Roy. We have always wherever we go. Be it in the UK or in Europe (mainly Spain). Always tidied up around the Van and cleared any paper and trash left within the vicinity. I believe because of this. Certain places we have parked in Spain have left us alone to camp in peace and quiet. It is usually the local idiots that create most of the mess and of course the NOISE. :angry:
what a lot of angry people. although i haven't been at this game too long i haven't experienced these noice /litter problems to any degree. i did watch a car park crowd at night, sitting in their cars listening to very loud music and eating various fast food meals but let this gladden your heart, as fast as they threw there containers through the windows one of the boys posted them right back through the offending window .so, their not all bad.
i occassionally get annoyed when i find litter bins not being emptied by local authorities but not enough to let it spoil my day.
as to who would complain about us

all the campsite owners who charge anything up to £20 a night to park on their scrubby piece of grass [or other] 6 feet from the caravan with 17 screaming kids in.
Hi Roi,
Nice to see your presence again.
Many many years ago we decided to stop overnight at Haggerston Castle. (this was the catalyst that made us wild camp)

We paid for the night and when guided to our spot (very small) had our dinner with 3 to 4 feet each side of us, we couldn't take it, we were so angry we left without even asking for our money back it was so bad and also very greedy.
Wild camper ever since!

With friendly greetings,
Yup, it's still the best way.

We've never been on a campsite that's had the views that our favourite wild-camp spots have, they're always noisier, you have to pay for them and it somehow just doesn't feel right, after all, a motorhome is all about the freedom to travel and stop where and when you feel like it.

So far we've never had any trouble or been asked to move on while wild-camping and hope it continues to be that way.

Posted on the scotland section information about a nice loch side spot on Skye,but had to request that no one use the area behind the boathouse as a lavatory, or, as happened last year with several wild campers as an emptying spot for their toilets -
One I spoke to about this, a couple driving a very expensive coachbuilt, told me that I was "f*** lucky that they came to spend money in the area".

Next morning they woke to find four bales of sillage just upwind of them...now each new van appearing is visited and told, very politely the rules.....no doubt somewhere in this Forum there is a letter complaining of harassment.
Originally posted by sagart@Mar 3 2006, 07:40 PM
Posted on the scotland section information about a nice loch side spot on Skye,but had to request that no one use the area behind the boathouse as a lavatory, or, as happened last year with several wild campers as an emptying spot for their toilets -
One I spoke to about this, a couple driving a very expensive coachbuilt, told me that I was "f*** lucky that they came to spend money in the area".

Next morning they woke to find four bales of sillage just upwind of them...now each new van appearing is visited and told, very politely the rules.....no doubt somewhere in this Forum there is a letter complaining of harassment.
all I can do is apologise for these ******.
They are not wildcampers as far as I am concerned. they are just tight fisted *** who take advantage.
Any rubbish we have while on the road is kept and then left in a large bin at a supermarket [with the managers permission] or at a council bin /tip.
our loo if it has to be emptied is either done in a public loo or if I have to dispose elsewhere i did a hole and bury it deep and well away from water. I do not use any chemicals which would damage the ecology anyway.
I believe that I am doing all i can to be responsible. i must admit to the occaisional leak against the tyre when camped up tho as I don't think it does any harm to the environment. However,
a building is a different matter especially if several do it as it leaves a smell and also the possibility of disease due to the regular use. these people should be made aware that the country belongs to all not just them and is for use by all and if the locals are willing to let us wildcamp in an area then we should be responsible enough to respect their rules for the use.
next time i suggest you stick the silage in the cab with them. sh*t to Sh*t so to speak

I camped on Skye the year before the bridge was made free and I loved the people there. we were welcomed at the bridge with a pack of info and we stayed there [and spent a few bob too] for several days and were made nothing but welcome. we look forward to going back.
I really dislike people like that and I suggest that you take their reg number and post it on here or send it to me and I'll bl**dy post it and shame them.
we must stand up and be counted or we will lose the goodwill of these places that do welcome us.
Roi [getting off soapbox]
Particularly embarrasing for me as I own a motorhome which is parked in my drive just up from this lochside site and I wonder if my neighbours imagine I am doing the same when touring!

For anyone planning on going to the Uists or Barra it is well worth contacting Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Council of the Western Isles) on 01870 602 425 - the Benbecula office - and asking for their free leaflet "Information for touring caravan and campervan owners".
This gives details of public conveniences and facilities for disposal of portable toilet contents from North Uist, through Berneray to Barra.

If anyone is interested in that area, or on Skye itself, I can post more sites in Scotland/ Inverness forum -

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