I have found, that when answering posts,
that half way through printing my answer,
I've forgotten some details of the post I'm answering.

( old age, short term memory loss)
so I have to abandon my printing to go back to re-read the post.
but i've got that beat now
before I answer a post i open a new window
which I leave on the taskbar
then if I have to refer back to the origional post
I just click it on the taskbar

thus saving what i've printed so far
I know some of you will think " thats obvious"
but this is aimed at the older mentally challenged members
like myself 
that half way through printing my answer,
I've forgotten some details of the post I'm answering.
( old age, short term memory loss)
so I have to abandon my printing to go back to re-read the post.
but i've got that beat now
before I answer a post i open a new window
which I leave on the taskbar
then if I have to refer back to the origional post
I just click it on the taskbar
thus saving what i've printed so far
I know some of you will think " thats obvious"
but this is aimed at the older mentally challenged members