Hi all, I've been a member of the MCC for many years but find that the number of CL sites is limited! Looking to join another club as my renewal is due. Toiling between the CC or CCC any suggestions on best availability of CL's?
I was a member of the supposed clubs for years and I am afraid I do not like the way they have gone I neither want nor need to use over priced sites and do not like being told how to park by some small minded officous jumped up volunteer ! They probably the local neighbourhood watch coordinator too !
You are entitled to your opinion but it is not my experience of the clubs at all ! As for them not being commercial I think you will find they are moving into having bars and clubs etc Also swimming pools !
When my children were young I admit they did feel like safe places for them to be .
I now use on occasion the odd commercial site and their prices are far more competitve and realistic !
Try looking at Hillhead Devon ?
Yes I do check prices for everything these days and then haggle too even if the item concerned is only a pound to start with !
I hate all companies or clubs that rip people off and walk away just because I can !
I am afraid it is the way this country is going that people put up with high prices from retailers of all kinds !
As firefox says how can they justify £29 for a 6 kg refill ???????
I am afraid that most if not all retailers employ complete idiots that either do not have any inteligence or are paid so little that they do not care !
As for rip off britain it starts with the likes of tesco conning people in to thinking that they are getting a bargain ?
I actually worked for one of the original tesco directors who will tell you that ted cohen was pretty much a petty crook !
There is also a book written by the ex boss of tesco called Tiger by the tail whick makes great reading until you realise that he leaves a very important part out that he married Ted Cohens daughter ! Business is all about making money and even the nicest guys seem to turn when the pounds start rolling in ????
Can anyone answer me this, how can big furniture companies can knock hundreds of pounds off furniture (sofas n beds) in the sales? prices knocked to half origional price, and they must still be making a profit, or they wouldn't do it!!! rip off Britain at it's best I think.
How wrong you are ! 30 yers of business for me . Yes I do hate business the customers the workers and the money !
I am afraid that some of the most stupid people around are the very graduates you so admire ? I would not give you tuppence for someone with a degree it means nothing . I think you wear the rose coloured spectacles as I am yet to find a shop that employs the best people for the job it seems they employ the cheapest and do not offer any real training about the products they sell !
As AN old friend of mine once said that shopkeepers are the scourge of britain as they make nothing produce nothing and merely inflate the prices !
I do understand that it is a job at the end of the day but I see no satisfaction in making money just by selling on other peoples hard work
What a lovely world you live in we have 3 doctors in the family and I would not trust one of them !
Myold uncle was what I call a real doctor as he never had appointments he would see all comers as to his mind if they felt the need to visit him then he saw it as his duty to see them ? Todays doctors are nothing more than businessmen and fund managers which brings the greed as seen in all business !