I've noticed the ads appear if you don't actually log in, so may be that's all it is... fingers crossed
By the way, are you doing a spit spit at Macs or PCs?

I've never met a Mac user who doesn't prefer them over PCs... which is why I daren't ever try one because I gnnwant to get hooked when they're so expensive!
I use Firefox most of the time too and I've installed Flashblock via the add-ons. It stops ads on most sites, or at least all the ones that use flash to make them work. With Flashblock you just get a 'placeholder' button with a little 'f' on it or a 'play' arrow... if you want to see the bit that's blocked, just click the button. Another useful Firefox add-on I wouldn't be without is NoSquint... you can zoom in and out more easily to make text larger on any web page and it will save your settings for individual sites/tabs, rather than just magnify everything across the board. Stop laughing at the back there you young'uns... it's the eyes that go first ya know :rolleyes2: