
n brown

Full Member
help! how can i stop the adverts at the top,they're doing my head in i don't want a qwik qwid or my motorhome tuned,i don't want any of this crap,and its making me wait and i hate that.i'm sure i didn't have to wait till they loaded before
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Go to settings (top right) then select edit profile.....scroll down to find "see adverts" select No.
PS..........Psst wanna buy an ipad?.....fifty sovs, bargain guv'ner!
Go to settings (top right) then select edit profile.....scroll down to find "see adverts" select No.
PS..........Psst wanna buy an ipad?.....fifty sovs, bargain guv'ner!

Ps.. He only paid 25 sovs,,greedy git..:banana::cool1:

Hi Rubbertramp,

I have same problem, but was afraid to ask, but mine won't go away?:mad2: It must be me I still struggle to get around, can we ask for online lessons,I am a retired Printer and I have been using Mac's for the last 20 years spit spit.I will have to come up to a meet and get Lessons from Phil.:baby::baby::pc:

Regards Snowbirds.

Go to settings (top right) then select edit profile.....scroll down to find "see adverts" select No.
PS..........Psst wanna buy an ipad?.....fifty sovs, bargain guv'ner!
My son installed "ad aware" and "ad block plus" and some other programs which mean I never see any adverts or pop ups on any site. I know these programs were all downloaded free, but I'm not definitely sure of what they are all called. One of the programs allows me to right click on anything on the screen (I mean anything, eg the wild camping logo at the top of this page) and remove it if I want to. I can get in touch with him and ask him the program names if anyone wants to know.


ps i use firefox, so these programs might not work the same with any other browser.
Hi Rubbertramp,

I have same problem, but was afraid to ask, but mine won't go away?:mad2: It must be me I still struggle to get around, can we ask for online lessons,I am a retired Printer and I have been using Mac's for the last 20 years spit spit.I will have to come up to a meet and get Lessons from Phil.:baby::baby::pc:

Regards Snowbirds.

I've noticed the ads appear if you don't actually log in, so may be that's all it is... fingers crossed :)
By the way, are you doing a spit spit at Macs or PCs? :D I've never met a Mac user who doesn't prefer them over PCs... which is why I daren't ever try one because I don't want to get hooked when they're so expensive!

I use Firefox most of the time too and I've installed Flashblock via the add-ons. It stops ads on most sites, or at least all the ones that use flash to make them work. With Flashblock you just get a 'placeholder' button with a little 'f' on it or a 'play' arrow... if you want to see the bit that's blocked, just click the button. Another useful Firefox add-on I wouldn't be without is NoSquint... you can zoom in and out more easily to make text larger on any web page and it will save your settings for individual sites/tabs, rather than just magnify everything across the board. Stop laughing at the back there you young'uns... it's the eyes that go first ya know :rolleyes2:
Macs or pc

Hi Minisoreella,

Yes I do love them after working on them for many years,when they first came out they cost Thousands of pounds and a lot more to keep up with the advances .I started with Mac 9500 pros tied into Hell Colour Scanners.
Working mainly on the colour retouching in Photoshop and Quark express for page Design.The last one I used was the G5 a very fast machine. I bought my sony viao laptop as I could not warrant the the high cost of the mac's with out the wife kicking me out.I used to use firefox on the mac so I might give it a go on the pc.As to the spit spit it's the old brain keeps reverting to Mac drop downs and old key board habits,I only use a mouse on my lap top I still have a G4 Mac for retouching photos, but the lap top is better when away in the van. Try one I dare you.I still window shop at PC World and dribble on Mac stand.

Regards Snowbirds.:dance:

I've noticed the ads appear if you don't actually log in, so may be that's all it is... fingers crossed :)
By the way, are you doing a spit spit at Macs or PCs? :D I've never met a Mac user who doesn't prefer them over PCs... which is why I daren't ever try one because I gnnwant to get hooked when they're so expensive!

I use Firefox most of the time too and I've installed Flashblock via the add-ons. It stops ads on most sites, or at least all the ones that use flash to make them work. With Flashblock you just get a 'placeholder' button with a little 'f' on it or a 'play' arrow... if you want to see the bit that's blocked, just click the button. Another useful Firefox add-on I wouldn't be without is NoSquint... you can zoom in and out more easily to make text larger on any web page and it will save your settings for individual sites/tabs, rather than just magnify everything across the board. Stop laughing at the back there you young'uns... it's the eyes that go first ya know :rolleyes2:
Hi Minisoreella,

Yes I do love them after working on them for many years,when they first came out they cost Thousands of pounds and a lot more to keep up with the advances .I started with Mac 9500 pros tied into Hell Colour Scanners.
Working mainly on the colour retouching in Photoshop and Quark express for page Design.The last one I used was the G5 a very fast machine. I bought my sony viao laptop as I could not warrant the the high cost of the mac's with out the wife kicking me out.I used to use firefox on the mac so I might give it a go on the pc.As to the spit spit it's the old brain keeps reverting to Mac drop downs and old key board habits,I only use a mouse on my lap top I still have a G4 Mac for retouching photos, but the lap top is better when away in the van. Try one I dare you.I still window shop at PC World and dribble on Mac stand.

Regards Snowbirds.:dance:

I am on my 9th Mac now. I love them.
My current MacBook Pro is a 15" late 2011 with i7 quad core, 8mb 1600mhz ram, 750gb hard drive and I love it!
and for you windows fans... Macs run windows through boot camp, so I also have win7 x64 installed.
Hi Snowbirds :)

I went along the same route years back but in an all windows environment. I started out doing desktop publishing and graphics work with PageMaker and Harvard Graphics back in the dark ages before Photoshop and Quark ruled :D I remember the days before I got a Wacom tablet when I had to do freehand drawing with a mouse and refine it pixel by pixel in full zoom! The place I worked for had charitable status and was on a tight budget for years, so I struggled to get anyone to care much about design and presentation... certainly not enough to buy me any decent equipment and software when I kept coping well with what I had - doh! :D No-one else in the building understood anything about computers back then and, since it was my day-to-day 'tool' and I was very interested, I gradually shifted over to the technical side of things over the years and ended up a network manager with a room full of servers and about a hundred people to look after. I wish I'd stayed with the artistic/creative side of things though... I missed it like crazy and ended up taking early retirement because I didn't want the stress any more. Live and learn eh?

I'm too much of a wimp to accept your dare about trying a Mac... I know full well I'd be smitten and I can't afford that - don't even get a pension yet, so his nibs wouldn't let me get away with it! I'll just have to join you in drooling over the Mac display in PC World. I'll bring the chin wipes :lol-053:

I am on my 9th Mac now. I love them.
My current MacBook Pro is a 15" late 2011 with i7 quad core, 8mb 1600mhz ram, 750gb hard drive and I love it!
and for you windows fans... Macs run windows through boot camp, so I also have win7 x64 installed.

Now see, that's just showing off Phil :lol-053: Where's the jealous smiley when you need one?!

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