

Whats all the Hacked messages at the bottom of the page? Does this give us a problem?
just noticed it mysef , but i dont think a hackker will give his details:confused::confused:
I cant see what you are reffering to. is it the "make money online" link???
no if you go to the opening page scrol to bottom you will see it
see it on my one looks scary... says there is abug on the site.
I have it on my screen this morning.

Yep mine to Gary, I knew i was not suffering from optical illusions as everyones icons have disapered from the bottom of thier posts.
Whats the point of it is it someone with a grudge or what.:eek:
The site has not been hacked. The referrer section that added has a problem with it. It allows idiots to post website address that are not real, like "HACKED HACKED". I will remove the mod until the author sorts it out.
The site has not been hacked. The referrer section that added has a problem with it. It allows idiots to post website address that are not real, like "HACKED HACKED". I will remove the mod until the author sorts it out.

Thanks for the info

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