Accident damage


Was returning form a week away, traffic was heavy. Was passing a stationary lorry when a car travelling in the opposite direction came over the white line, there was a noise. I genuiningly thought it was the beer barrels being unloaded from the lorry. We stopped 40 miles later for a break, when I noticed minor damage to my rear bumper. Do I contact the police or forget about it. I don't know what car it was only the colour.:(
Had a similar a few years ago in Staffordshire. A car came out of a T junction without stopping and hit my van doing very little damage to me but far more to him...he did not notice my son taking photos of scene etc for my insurers while we were exchanging details.
Other driver seemed far too friendly, so I re-routed by way of Stafford (I was heading home to Durham) and reported it to the police.
As I was leaving the station I got called back by an officer on the desk who told me they had just received a call about a hit and run accident in the lanes near Yoxall and the whole story had been told in reverse...this unknown van driver had damaged the front of a car and driven off.
They took great pleasure in printing my son's pictures for their investigation and my insurers had a field day with the claim!
got to be the tip of the year!

sagart said:
Had a similar a few years ago in Staffordshire. A car came out of a T junction without stopping and hit my van doing very little damage to me but far more to him...he did not notice my son taking photos of scene etc for my insurers while we were exchanging details.
Other driver seemed far too friendly, so I re-routed by way of Stafford (I was heading home to Durham) and reported it to the police.
As I was leaving the station I got called back by an officer on the desk who told me they had just received a call about a hit and run accident in the lanes near Yoxall and the whole story had been told in reverse...this unknown van driver had damaged the front of a car and driven off.
They took great pleasure in printing my son's pictures for their investigation and my insurers had a field day with the claim!

Always keep a little camera in the glove box, even on the shortest of journeys.
Good post sagart, Regards Lou
Advice came from a very helpfull police friend of mine, with the traditional advice not to be "too polite" by instinctively saying anything which could be seen as an admission of liability.
He said he had advised his children to say things like "I read the Daily Mail", as its oddness could be blamed on shock.
In one case he had been involved in, one driver's question, "Has anyone been hurt?" was seen as admitting a degree of responsibility.

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