The pale green material that came with the van didn't fare well with dog, walking boots, grandchildren.... I decided to put some material to use that my niece brought me back from Tanzania.
Hope you have insect screens, the bees will be wanting to pollinate that seating! Nice material, Izzy said she would love a dress made from that material. I can just imagine the Tanzanian women dressed up in all sorts of vibrant material. Lovely.
Hope you have insect screens, the bees will be wanting to pollinate that seating! Nice material, Izzy said she would love a dress made from that material. I can just imagine the Tanzanian women dressed up in all sorts of vibrant material. Lovely.
That bit about bees took me back a few years, well loads if I'm accurate. We were using my dads camper, an orange VW. The local farmer started up his combine, and within half an hour, the van changed to nearly black with all the insects he disturbed. They must have loved the colour, cos no one else was unduly bothered.
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