A great alternative french aires book


Full Member
Just bought this map book off eBay and find it very easy to use with plenty details and prices of aires and campsites in France 1FBC7AE6-463A-4786-A395-13123CEF6317.jpg 0F334066-5408-4E89-9515-7E53F27C2EE6.jpg 49029471-B827-45CA-9370-4FEF114C01EE.jpg
We did france last October using the aires book I bought north and south, but my map book was 11 years out of date, but Ron has his sat nav why did we need a map ( we ended up driving through a vine field in the dark) and I saw this map book but he would not buy one - am buying one if we go again you better believe. :camper: We did enjoy the trip, but beware with the aires book - a lot of the aires are no longer open as we discovered.
No good for me it’s in French! Wife would manage ok with it.
One of the best apps on my phone, MS Translator, don't need it for French, but got plenty of use in Netherlands and Germany, point camera at a sign or page and it 'overwrites' in English.
Looks a good book to have onboard, C’est combian?

Oh sorry ,just found it.

£20 from Vicarius Books.
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Be aware;
As someone who doesn't understand anything technical, I bought another aire book to complement the one I had. Used it one day and found myself in the middle of nowhere. So I checked with an aire that was in both books, two completely different sat nav directives. Didn't know that there were different coordinates, didn't say anything in the book.
Still don't understand. :help:
Not having a view of your different aires books it's hard to say, but it could either be a mistake, or the fact that latitude and longitude can be in degrees, minutes, and seconds, or in decimal degrees.
co ordinates


i have had this problem try boulter.com gps just put your co ordinates in see the results that suit you it even shows google map where it is

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