A few more Aire Videos

  • Thread starter Keithchesterfield
  • Start date


A few more Aires videos added to my Channel.

:dog: :dog: :dog: :dog:
Well Keith you did take a strange route to Giverney, but you got there. We have spent a few nights on that spot, it really is a wonderful spot.
Keep up the video's, they're a great resource, thanks.
Oppy, back in the U.K. tomorrow 🤗
oppy - it was the nice man on ************* who thought it was the best route and he's usually right on directions - but not that time.

Yes, it is a decent stopover.

But beware - the Restaurants in the village charge a fortune for meals and after going to one of them it would be the last time we do unless we win the Lottery.

:dog: :dog: :dog: :dog:

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