A Boat and Outboard for you van?


Full Member
I have for sale a superb Quicksilver Air Deck inflatable 3.1 metre Dinghy and Yamaha 8 HP Outboard. Here is the speal!

I bought this Dinghy new in 2008 from Ullswater Marine. The engine is 5 years old. I have only used the boat twice for around half an hour. I have since developed severe Arthritis so reluctantly it’s up for sale. The engine was used on Ullswater occasionally on a rescue dinghy for the yacht club.

The Quicksilver is a quality Dinghy with a 5 Year Guarantee and IMO there is no better outboard than a Yamaha. The Dinghy new is £1100 and the outboard £2000. I have also fitted fold up wheels for single handed launching (another £100).

The performance is fantastic and the boat easily gets on the plane with three adults on board and flies across the water. It has a payload of 635KG! more than most Motorhomes.

Also included is a Steel Yamaha Petrol tank, Oars, Pump and repair kit. The Dinghy weighs 38KG and the engine 37KG. Because it’s an air deck the whole thing roles into a bag and fits easily in any Luton.

I want just £1200 for the lot so be quick!

Here is a piccy.


Come one!!!

Whats wrong with you all? I thought this would have sold by now. This site is supposed to be full of adventurous fit young wildies!

This has got to look the business on top of a VW.

If your not into water I reckon it would go as fast in the snow .

Come on I have a new axle and a wife with a champagne habbit to pay for!
Barry if my van didn't need a few quid spent on it over the next month or two I'd be havin that off you for sure.... its a fantastic boat and exactly what I would be after... somebody will surely take that off your hands..... good luck with the sale...... :)
Thanks for that

I would love to keep it but Mrs D hates it and my Arthritis is so bad in my knees its just not practicle really.
Its gonna be a wrench to see it go am sure.... treat yourself to something with the sale money i'd say.... then you the missus and yer knees are all happy...
Cheers. A new axle for the Konitiki is where it will go. £2200! comes in 1st March. Mind you with all this snow (we have about 3 inches or so here again) a week in the canaries is starting to sound appealing!
phew (that was being polite) that is a lot of money.... here's to your next trip away with new axle then! :)

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