4G puck aerial

Yes, well, a Puck1 4g with two antenna cables. Paired it with a Huawei MiFi - sorry, can't remember the model number off hand. Worked well for me; for example, one or two bars signal without Puck and five bars with. I removed the TV aerial to fit the Puck, because we never watch TV in the van. I fitted a USB socket in the wardrobe and mounted the MiFi next to it on a piece of Velcro.
I believe some of the other Poynting antennae have a greater signal gain, but the Puck is quite unobtrusive and easy to fit.
I've got the oblong one, with a huaewae mifi thing. Works well, but there are a selection of very similar connectors that are easy to get the wrong ones...
I am a big fan of Poynting products, I was impressed with a Pointing A0001 but decided I wanted a permanently mounted aerial so I bought the oblong one, I am sure the Puck will be good
Are these ok.
Funny enough I’ve been browsing 4g (5g ready too) antennas today and have narrowed it down to either the Poynting MIMO 3-12 ( I presume this is the oblong one mentioned here?). Or the Panaroma LPMM 6-60.

one thing I did note whilst researching though is the common use of cheap low loss cables which could and will negate the antenna gain in a few short meters. Namely the extensive use of RG174 cable rather than something like the HDF195 used by poynting.

Put the mifi right under the antenna. I have the shortest cables I could find.
Intuitively that is correct and you Should always have the shortest Antenna cables regardless of cable type.

It is worth noting a lot use RG174 as default but taking spot frequencies for 4g of 800mhz and 2100mhz the RG174 has losses per meter approximately 0.9db and 1.8db Respectively.
Without getting exotic and going for LMR195 or 200 Cables even selecting RG58 Will significantly help with losses of 0.5db and 0.8db as for the above Figures.

When considering 5g, which is coming, the losses at 3500mhz are more stark with Rg174 @ 2.5db/m and RG58 @ 1.2db/m.

factor in a typical 2m aerial run and using RG174 It will lose all of the antenna gains and some...

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