2500 all power plant

big al

Full Member
Has anyone purchased a R2500 power plant from all power I am trying to get someone to phone me from the company to ask a question about this model at the moment I'm running from two 110 amp batteries but only last one night so thinking of buying the R2500 power plant at a cost of £800 any feedback or thoughts much appreciated cheers Big Al
I'm running from two 110 amp batteries but only last one night

Rather I hate assuming but I'm making a few.
a) You mean 100 amp hour batteries rather than batteries that will supply 100 amps
b) the batteries are 12v connected in parallel rather than 6v connected in series
c) the batteries are standard lead rather than exotic specifications.
d) the batteries start from fully charged

This set up will provide 100 ah of usable power @12v (i.e. 6 hours at 16 amps or 16 hours at 6 amp). A RS2500 will give about half as long again.
One night seems short, given that a typical max demand is 5 amp (including TV but with gas for fridge) or 7 amp with compressor fridge.

Before splashing out £800 I would suggest
1) you examine your power use. e.g. are you powering any thing using an inverter?
2) get your batteries tested to ensure they are accepting & holding charge
3) get your inbuilt charger tested (I trust you do charge the batteries rather than just relying on the alternator)
4) research lithium; solar and (sorry to use the G word) generators as alternative solutions
5) do the maths to calculate how much 12v capacity your use style needs. i.e. how long do you want o be off grid, how long between journeys, what power do you use.
Hi Big Al,

I'm no expert here, but I do use Eco-Flow products and for my use they are great, BUT in the motorhome I've been a bit disappointed TBH.

That said All Power/Eco-Flow/Blueetti/Jackman etc all have prices bouncing up and down much of the time. The Eco-flow Delta 2 Max is ON OFFER at £1599 just now, which is odd because I bought mine for £1199 and the Extra battery is now available at £999 but I paid £749 :unsure: had a second Extra battery delivered today said reconditioned but its actually brand new cost £799 but then I had some ecoflow vouchers so actually paid £651

I also have eco-flow solar panels, but again got a deal with the Delta2 max.

They also offer members only pricing as do All Power and Blueetti so before you buy sign up as a memeber for all of these companies and keep an eye on your in box, but decide what you want first and don't be fooled by marketing ploys designed to make you spend more be patient a deal will come along.
Hi Big Al,

I'm no expert here, but I do use Eco-Flow products and for my use they are great, BUT in the motorhome I've been a bit disappointed TBH.

That said All Power/Eco-Flow/Blueetti/Jackman etc all have prices bouncing up and down much of the time. The Eco-flow Delta 2 Max is ON OFFER at £1599 just now, which is odd because I bought mine for £1199 and the Extra battery is now available at £999 but I paid £749 :unsure: had a second Extra battery delivered today said reconditioned but its actually brand new cost £799 but then I had some ecoflow vouchers so actually paid £651

I also have eco-flow solar panels, but again got a deal with the Delta2 max.

They also offer members only pricing as do All Power and Blueetti so before you buy sign up as a memeber for all of these companies and keep an eye on your in box, but decide what you want first and don't be fooled by marketing ploys designed to make you spend more be patient a deal will come along.
I have the delta 2 max plus extra battery, great bit of kit. I am looking to buy another battery and check their web site most days, never seen the delta 2 max extra battery at £749.00. When did you buy it ? I’ve seen the Delta max battery at around that price but not the Delta 2 max. Even refurbished Delta 2 max batteries are usually around £850.00.
I bought a bluetti ac 180 p 1440 w battery 1800 w output ,plus boost , runs microwave small kettl toaster etc seen them below £600 I would check waight as some are heavy I bought from Hampshire Genarators as they have a good reputation for customer service .
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I have the delta 2 max plus extra battery, great bit of kit. I am looking to buy another battery and check their web site most days, never seen the delta 2 max extra battery at £749.00. When did you buy it ? I’ve seen the Delta max battery at around that price but not the Delta 2 max. Even refurbished Delta 2 max batteries are usually around £850.00.
If you go to EcoFlows uk website, sign up and open an account, find the Delta 2 extra battery in the refurbished section (it will be out of stock) then click alert me when back in stock then at some point you’ll get an email with a link. If you bought the previous EcoFlow products from that website you should have some discount vouchers on your account.
You may have to do this several times before you get a good offer price btw.
If you go to EcoFlows uk website, sign up and open an account, find the Delta 2 extra battery in the refurbished section (it will be out of stock) then click alert me when back in stock then at some point you’ll get an email with a link. If you bought the previous EcoFlow products from that website you should have some discount vouchers on your account.
You may have to do this several times before you get a good offer price btw.
Already signed up and requested the email when back in stock. I’ve got 9000 discount points to use so will just keep a close watch for when the refurbished batteries become available.
Has anyone purchased a R2500 power plant from all power I am trying to get someone to phone me from the company to ask a question about this model at the moment I'm running from two 110 amp batteries but only last one night so thinking of buying the R2500 power plant at a cost of £800 any feedback or thoughts much appreciated cheers Big Al
If it's only for use in the van then personally I'd go down the separate battery/inverter route. It usually takes up less space and works out cheaper too.