1st time abroad


have taken time off work to do some extended travelling abroad later this year..

Never been abroad can anyone help with any tips etc?

One question my home insurance is due for renewal..which is best to get cover for a couple of months unoccupied at a time?

We are with Nationwide as they are the only ones we found that give indefinite length of unoccupied cover without any extra charge PROVIDING that some one visits/checks the property every 14 days (I think). We have our daughters visit our house when we are away & I have told them to make a phone call or use the internet so as to prove that somebody has checked the house.
Here is a link to their policy T&C, page 55 gives the Conditions For Unfurnished or Unoccupied Homes
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Many companies give 90 days unoccupied and the C&CC gives 180 days on Home Insurance.

I recently got a quote from the C&CC but it was a bit expensive compared to others. Maybe worth a try though.
There are no set rules on what you should do or not do when abroad, take note of what others suggest, if they appear sensible, you may want to take them on board, if they do not sound sensible, well make a note of them but its up to you if you follow them.

Remember your having your holiday and adventure, take your time and as said previously don't forget to enjoy yourselves.
There is a massive amount of useless information and general micky taking of Johnny Foreigner on our website Hank the Tank Motorhome website in our blog section. We spent five months in Europe last summer. Didnt tell the insurance company but probably should have!
Did the same last year we spent 4 mths in France used the Aires book & www. i-campingcar.f purchased their memory stick and spent three nights on camp sites in that time really enjoyed ourselves and are off again soon just do as you please we never had any route planned and decided where to go one day at a time picked up info from tourist offices etc I'm sure you'll also enjoy. As for the household ins never gave that a thought until now
Thanks to all who have replied.

The CCC insurance looks about the best bet with 180 days unoccupancy cover for around the same price as my current insurer.

Will be using the aires books etc and really looking forward to it.
Did the same last year we spent 4 mths in France used the Aires book & www. i-campingcar.f purchased their memory stick and spent three nights on camp sites in that time really enjoyed ourselves and are off again soon just do as you please we never had any route planned and decided where to go one day at a time picked up info from tourist offices etc I'm sure you'll also enjoy. As for the household ins never gave that a thought until now

Ileft these shores for France March 2010, returned December,,,,,,,,,during which time I worked and travelled about picking up where I left off in 2008 2009...............I fully concur with witzend ...just go with the flow and where the mood takes you, France is so easy compared to here

Read this on a small sticker on a battered camper.
'' we don't travel to see different things we travel to see things differently''
I've found this to be true. Hope you do as well.
Enjoy your trip.

Blue Skies

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