1st night with doodles!


Full Member
Well going to go on my first totally wild camping trip tonight with me, my 2 doodles and partner (oops note the priority..!)in my very small bedford bambi. if all goes well we shall all be coming to the June meet. If it appears there is not enough room for all of us one will have to stay home, partner looking favourable....lolol (only joking):)
OH bother!!!

:(:( Well my first night wilding hasnt gone so well..packed van and dogs and partner set off and less than a mile into journey had to stop for dogs for a pee and then couldnt get van started..flat battery..
Come to the conclusion definitely the alternator!!!
So now need to replace ASAP before the june meet....!
Much more likely it's the battery - I see you fitted a battery from a scrap yard ...

If the alternator is faulty, you would expect to see a warning light on the dash.
warning light

hi canalsman, your right when coming back from the ladies meet last week both my battery and brake light came on 17 miles from home, read my haines manual and replaced terminals and battery incase scrap battery was faulty. checked everything else i could as a novice but have now come to the conclusion its an alternator problem. Just waiting for an ammeter to come, to double check for voltage drop. Think its probably a diode prob. Hopefully extract alternator get it checked before i proceed with replacing said alternator.
Thanks for advice :)
You seem to have it covered - hope it gets sorted soon.



Aww, how disappointing for you, what a bummer. Is that a big job replacing alternator? xx
Hi Anne,:) Its quite a big problem and im now wondering if ive wired my split relay wrong which has caused damage to the alternator..! Think i need to go on a basic mechanics course before i attempt anything else...lolol

you could ask Tracey, she seemed very knowledgeable, and you would know you could trust what she said. Hope it has not got damaged, keep us posted xx
No way!

you gotta come, i need to see you speed down one of those hills, lol

fingers crossed you get it fixe lass, would hate you to miss the meet, it will be great fun, theres some great folk going, cant wait mi sen, xx

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