12v TV Help

We have a slightly larger but otherwise identical unit in the OKA. Sourced from Kogan in Australia, it has stood up to the rigours of desert travel without any problems. Since it is specifically advertised for motorhomes, there shouldn't be any problems with it coping with normal DC voltage ranges found in typical RV situations.

Don't expect sound to be theatre quality, but it is perfectly reasonable for the size of the speakers
Hi and I've been lookign to replace mine as won;t work without a freeview box and is quite old now...

I've decided to buy an inverter from Maplin (there is an offer on at the moment - 300W 12V Inverter with USB Charge Socket : Inverters : Maplin Electronics )

And this then leaves you a lot more choice from what TV to buy... Seems like the ones marketed at MHs are a lot more pricey than the standard TVs?

Mind you that does look like a great price!

Careful with the inverter, some TV's will not work properly unless it is a Pure Sine wave type.
Careful with the inverter, some TV's will not work properly unless it is a Pure Sine wave type.

Our 19" technik tv dvd player from Tesco has been working brilliantly on a cheap £8-50 150watt modified sine wave inverter which we purchased from Ebay for nearly a year now.

Our 19" technik tv dvd player from Tesco has been working brilliantly on a cheap £8-50 150watt modified sine wave inverter which we purchased from Ebay for nearly a year now.


I think a modified sine wave will be OK for most TV's, don't use a quasi sine wave though or you will get black lines on the picture!

Hi, I bought one of these tvs they are ok but i suggest you buy the 12v, 8 amp adapter for it from the company and also the sound is a little tinny. Ive just ordered off ebay a small 12v amplifier for mine to improve the quality of the sound havent recieved it yet so will let you know how it sounds once fitted.
Happy camping!!
Thanks everyone...........Can i ask another weeeeee Q :)

We will be mostly wild camping and wondered if running a tv uses a lot of power from leisure battery
Thanks so much....again
Lynn x
A 16" TV should use less than 2 amps if it is LED. You can get them up to 22" that use less than 3 amps but they are not quite so cheap.

I was looking yesterday in High St. shops and all you need to do is look at the back. You can tell if it is 12 volt by the plug in connector, similar to a laptop type. It should say 12 volt where it plugs in.

It will also have some information on a sticker and it will either give the amps or the watts and you can work the amps out by dividing the watts by 12.

The cheapest I found was a 16" Ferguson at £101.

just got argos thing in my paper this morning 22in dvd freeview £89 special offer

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