12v panel


i know that i am going to look the most stupid person alive, but just bought our first motor home, old fiat dicato, so we can get away with the dogs, and i am not to sure how to work the zig panel. looking to find out where i could get some help. i know how to switch on the 12v and hook up, but not sure what:

the button that says convertor charger is for and when i should have it on,

what i should have on and what should be off when on the move and want to charge up the lesiure battery, ( i know to have it on towcar charge, but dont know it i should have it on car battery, meaning the charge is coming from that or on leisure battery meaning that is what is to be charged)

and can i have it charging while on the move and have the fridge on via the battery.

i think i need a idiots guide, as i am sure all this is second nature to everyone on here.

been wild camping for the last couple of weekends with the dogs, and they have loved it as there is so much freedom compaired to sites, which i will now only go to if i have to, so need to work out how to work the 12v

many thanks to anyone who replys

just switch the fridge to 12v when on the move zig will automatically provide the 12v from the alternator. Check out he help forums there are a number of Zig instruction manuals there. Or just try a search for zig, should bring them up.
heres zigs addy and phone no. if that helps there are many types they all do different things some more then others.
ZIG Electronics Ltd
Saxon Business Park
Hanbury Road
Stoke Prior
B60 4AD

Tel: 01527 556715

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