10 obscure facts about yourself.


10 obscure facts about yourself.

I've blatantly stolen this idea from another forum but never mind. The thread does exactly what it says on the tin. (Or in the title anyway)

Here are the ones I posted on the other forum to start you off.

1)once gave a chip to Paul McCartney

2) I've only won two football medals...... first in 1972.....second in 1999.

3 ) The furthest north i've been in England is Derby

4) Once took a foto of Cate Blanchet and got £100 from the Daily Express for it

5)While on holiday in Germany i was stopped in the street by a TV crew and asked a Question........and that night saw myself on the telly looking and sounding really thick

6) Know someone who had shook hands with Adolf Hitler ( my late father in-law )

7) Fell from a car when i was about seven

8) Last year i played football for a Vets team, and my strike partner was John Byrne ex Republic of Ireland international, ex Brighton player and ex Milk cup Finalist.

9) once won first, second and third prize in a raffle

10) had tea and cake with Alan Clarks wife
1. I absolutely detest cats but like dogs.
2. I once had a mental breakdown.
3. I have rode a bike at 175mph on a Suzuki Hayabusa 1300.
4. My twins were born at 5 to and 5 past midnight, so have seperate birthdays.
5. I once had a drink with Oliver Reed at a holiday camp on Hayling Island.
6. I've served time in prison, but only for two weeks on remand.
7. I've never ever won anything, not even a tenner on the Lottery.
8. I once appeared as an extra on the TV Series Casualty back in the early 90s.
9. I've never been to Ireland.
10. I have an intense fear of flying.
ten boring facts about myself

1.i once did a parahute jump
2.i once drove a lotus carlton
3.i'v never broke a single bone in my body
3.i used to be blonde but went back to my natural brown
4.i like to live life to the full
5.iv got my hgv1 & pcv licence
6.i love seafood
7.i once drove 240 miles 4 a caravan...turned out to be rotton
8.i used to ride a motorcycle 125cc on L plates
9.once put a tent up & down in an half hour due to bugs bugging me
10.once went fishing & caught crabs :D :D :D
ok me too - some interesting some from the bottom of the barrel im afraid

1. i was once on tiswas and was sat on by chris tarrant(i was 11 at the time)
2. i was ran over by my own fathers van when we were in a car accident and came out unscathed despite the van (and dry cleaning equipment) running over my waist)
3. i have had a prisoner deported to nigeria where he was promptly executed
4. i have acted as a mahout(driver) on an elephant in nepal
5. my aunt turned down bob carolgees request of marriage(i know a little off mark)
6. i was once asked out by the drummer from King - guy surtees - i turned him down
7. I will retire in 11 years time and will only be 49 - how nice is that
8. i am a natural brunette
9. i failed my motorbike test at 29 - ruined the dream of long blonde hair, red lipstick on a yellow triumph daytona
10. i have seen a ghost

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