Hi, to all these people who say we should join the euro, I ask WHY, have we not seen this country lower its standards enough over the past 11 years. Europe does not want us, we have nothing to offer them. I remember 1971 when we good shot of our old money and boy did prices go up then, But it will be nothing to what will happen if we join the euro.
9 years ago I paid for my house in France at a rat of 1.65 euros to the pound, I still have the exchange rate paper, today we see a drop of 60 cents to the pound and you lot want to join.
What we need is the bank rates to go up and a some common sence in this country. All I see is and read our people running for cover and reacting as this rubbish labour gang wish, Just remember that the EU is a power without any controls and blair wants to be life president, god up us then. And if you think that you will all be able to carry on motorhoming around then, forget it. The greens will put an end to that for sure.