Green Bees
Did you know that most butchers are happy to give away bones from butchered meat rather than have to pay to have them taken away. Our butcher will happily give us bones from butchered meat to make stock with. When ever we ask for Lamb bones, the bones always have enough meat on them that you could cook into other dishes. The following recipie is a favorite of ours.
1 kilo Lamb bones
1 large of the following vegetables: Carrot, onion, turnip, parsnip, celery stick , potato, & half a swede.
3 large cabbage leaves (dark green outer leaves if poss.)Finely shredded
300ml of water.
cup full of Pearl Barley
knob of butter
salt and pepper to taste
1) Roast the Lamb bones in a hot oven (gas mark 6 or 7, 180c 160F)
until browned and meat on bones comes away easily from the bone.
2) De glaze the roasting pan with the water and save until later.
3) Dice all the vegetables & slice the cabbage leaves
4) With the knob of butter saute until lightly browned all the vegetables and add the lamb
5) Add the water from the roasting pan and the cup of Pearl Barley and simmer for 20 minutes, stiring occasionally.
6) make sure the vegetables are soft and cooked through and season.
serve the soup with a chunk of bread.