A call to arms!



Does anyone have the right to segregate, isolate, discriminate and downgrade any part of society? I felt so angry when I read the notice @ the Whitby Pavilion giving notice to all motorhome owners that the Council intend banning motorhomes from over 60 car parks throughout North Yorkshire! The notice asks anyone with any objections to the proposed ban to write to:

Brian Bennet
Head of Tourism and culture
Town Hall
St Nicolas street
YO11 2HG

No later than 30th July with any objections to the ban on motorhomes at over 60 Car parks and wild camping spots around North Yorkshire.

Is everyone aware of this proposed ban?

This is seriously overstepping the mark I feel. What do you all feel? Will you take time to write to Brian and express your feelings? Its imperative to us all that we make a stand against those with the power to ban!

'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes', .... Who will guard the guards themselves
What about an on line petition? I don't know how difficult it is to set up but I'm sure someone on here who is computer savvy could advise.
Other than that I don't mind e-mailing.

p.s how will people go on that live in the area and use a mh as their only form of transport? There may not be many but it would be really difficult for them.
Here are a couple of links to free petition sites. If you Google "online petitions uk" you'll find lots.

Petition Online - UK

United Kingdom Petitions - Petition Listings from United Kingdom - GoPetition

Good luck FingersCrossed.gif
In principal it is annoying but in reality I really coudn't give a monkey's. If these people are so blinkered as not to be able to see the business revenue we bring to their towns, then they are not worth the effort complaining to. One thing for sure, I will not be driven into their over priced camp sites ( which is what it is all about) I will simply go else where.
There are enough enlightened Councils now beginning to cater for motorhomes, even if their over priced attempts to copy the French Aires are a little off putting.
Scarborough and Whitby have been off the list for a while now!
when I read the notice @ the Whitby Pavilion giving notice to all motorhome owners that the Council intend banning motorhomes from over 60 car parks throughout North Yorkshire!

Does the Whitby Pavilion notice list the carparks?
If the ban is accross North Yorkshire, it's North Yorkshire County Council and all the District and Borough Councils that need to be lobbied, not just Scarborough.
I am confused, how can the Director of Leisure and Culture of Scarborough Council have the right to close virtually all the car parks and presumably laybys in North Yorkshire to Motorhomes? This is a sweeping ban.
If I lived in that area and owned a MH I would be very upset indeed.
As it stands, it will not affect me very much here in Scotland. We have already suffered here by more stringent rules being applied around the Loch Lomond and Trossachs areas due to the mindless activities of inconsiderate "campers".
More and more areas will become "out of bounds" to MHs/Campervans and the like as complaints against our community increase.
The only "weapon" in our inventory is to withdraw our "custom" from those areas and go elsewhere.
In principal it is annoying but in reality I really coudn't give a monkey's. If these people are so blinkered as not to be able to see the business revenue we bring to their towns, then they are not worth the effort complaining to. One thing for sure, I will not be driven into their over priced camp sites ( which is what it is all about) I will simply go else where.
There are enough enlightened Councils now beginning to cater for motorhomes, even if their over priced attempts to copy the French Aires are a little off putting.
Scarborough and Whitby have been off the list for a while now!


If they wish to shoot themselves in the foot with a large calibre firearm, let them get on with it.

I hope it hurts!
I am confused, how can the Director of Leisure and Culture of Scarborough Council have the right to close virtually all the car parks and presumably laybys in North Yorkshire to Motorhomes? This is a sweeping ban.

Scarborough Borough Council covers a very large area - including Whitby.

Does anyone have the right to segregate, isolate, discriminate and downgrade any part of society? I felt so angry when I read the notice @ the Whitby Pavilion giving notice to all motorhome owners that the Council intend banning motorhomes from over 60 car parks throughout North Yorkshire!

Yes, some authorities do have the right to impose conditions such as this and not just in the U.K. I have given up trying to park in many French towns on the Mediterranean where height barriers proliferate.

However, I'm unclear about the main and most important aspect of your post, which is: Are motorhomes to be banned from all car parks or just from overnighting on all car parks?
Don't let them off the hook

In principal it is annoying but in reality I really coudn't give a monkey's. If these people are so blinkered as not to be able to see the business revenue we bring to their towns, then they are not worth the effort complaining to. One thing for sure, I will not be driven into their over priced camp sites ( which is what it is all about) I will simply go else where.
There are enough enlightened Councils now beginning to cater for motorhomes, even if their over priced attempts to copy the French Aires are a little off putting.
Scarborough and Whitby have been off the list for a while now!

Please DO give a monkies! We are all law abiding folk being bullied by those in power, this is wrong guys so please make an effort. If this were about humans and not machines there would be uproar! It's the same principal, it's about standing up for what is right. It does not matter where you live either, this is about freedom to travel without fear of oppression from anyone or anything. Send the same protest letter to your MP. This issue effects ANYONE WHO MAY VISIT THIS AREA OF THE UK! Please have the courage and sence to write to this guy demanding he drop this unlawful proposal. If you don't you really are letting the side down.
I would say email.

The e-petitions are a waste of time.

Also word of mouth is important. We bring money and custom to these areas in a responsible manner. Simply tell fellow motorhomers, caravanners and friends what a bunch of unreasonable people they are. Our friends can make their own decision to go elsewhere if they see fit. Let's reduce the area tourist income by 5 or 10%.

It's not big a deal, other places will benefit instead, and the council will have the opportunity to review their decisions and decide if they are right for the local economy.
I would say email.

The e-petitions are a waste of time.

Also word of mouth is important. We bring money and custom to these areas in a responsible manner. Simply tell fellow motorhomers, caravanners and friends what a bunch of unreasonable people they are. Our friends can make their own decision to go elsewhere if they see fit. Let's reduce the area tourist income by 5 or 10%.

It's not big a deal, other places will benefit instead, and the council will have the opportunity to review their decisions and decide if they are right for the local economy.

Reduce the tourist income by five or ten percent? Where do you get these figures from? Motorhomers overnighting on car parks probably account for more like .00000005 percent of the area's tourist income and if you think that your non-motorhoming friends will care less about the issue and stop going to Scarborough for instance just because you're unhappy with the town, then I think you're very mistaken.

I can just imagine if I brought up the subject at the pub and asked them all to boycott Scarborough because I can't park my 'van there for nothing overnight. They'd tell me to bugger off!

If you're going to start mounting an offensive against some local authorities it might be a good idea to actually understand how important your business is to them. And quite frankly, we're not that important to them! I'm all for a serious campaign to get some kind of compromise but quoting figures like this just makes us look silly.
I have just emailed Brian Bennett and explained to him that my wife is disabled and cannot use public facilities; and, that, by stopping motorhomes using carparks he is banning my wife from visiting his area. Is this what he wants for her and others.
I await his reply.
I'd say motorhomers count for a few percent of the tourist income, caravanners and tenters more, and hotels etc the majority.

A facebook campaign and email campaign will not put the council in a favourable light and may make them think twice. Going down the pub is the out of date way; you reach very few people. Things happen quickly on facebook, twitter, and email.

In the recent attempt to close Byway 12 to Motorcaravans and other vehicles at Stonehenge by Wiltshire County Council, hundreds and thousands of objections by email to WCC and at the public enquiry were generated by electronic canvassing and groups on the net.

This resulted in the decision to close Byway 12 being overturned by the enquiry. Thus proving that internet pressure can work.
Reduce the tourist income by five or ten percent? Where do you get these figures from? Motorhomers overnighting on car parks probably account for more like .00000005 percent of the area's tourist income and if you think that your non-motorhoming friends will care less about the issue and stop going to Scarborough for instance just because you're unhappy with the town, then I think you're very mistaken.

I can just imagine if I brought up the subject at the pub and asked them all to boycott Scarborough because I can't park my 'van there for nothing overnight. They'd tell me to bugger off!

If you're going to start mounting an offensive against some local authorities it might be a good idea to actually understand how important your business is to them. And quite frankly, we're not that important to them! I'm all for a serious campaign to get some kind of compromise but quoting figures like this just makes us look silly.

Its true, I spend very little where ever I visit. Thats the whole idea of a motorhome. I hate being vulnerable to rubbish restaurants/B&B's over priced campsites that are charging £15-20 per night to park in a field. Why would I want to do that when I don't have to? I believe my motorhome is a sound investment that allows me freedom to travel, cook my own food that I know I love! To shower in a shower I know is clean, sleep in a bed that I know is comfortable and clean. It gives me independence from business. Its wrong to believe boycotting areas will hurt anyone. This is about standing up for whats right... the freedom to travel to any town and expect the SAME courtesy and laws to be applied across the board. If this council demanded that only white, black or asian people park in certain car parks after 11pm there would be hell on! WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE? WE ARE BEING SEGREGATED, AND DISCRIMINATED AGAINST BECAUSE WE DONT FIT IN WITH THEIR BUSINESS COMMUNITY. They can ban motorhomes from town centres as long as there are 50 FREE allocated spaces near by for MOTORHOMES only. I don't mind a 5 minute bike ride into town?
that the Council intend banning motorhomes from over 60 car parks throughout North Yorkshire! The notice asks anyone with any objections to the proposed ban to write to:

This is not the case.

Just been to Whitby and read the notice at Westcliffe (only 2 on display, both in the in the Pay and Display Carparks).

The notice lists 62 Carparks under SBCs control, but the notice only pertains to 15 of them and only bans Motorhomes from them between the hours of 11pm and 7am.


The notice does not mention on road parking restrictions and the only notices on Westcliffe are the unenforcible no sleeping ones.

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