Chicken soup for the soul

boil stuff till soft,liquidise,swallow. lie back and dream of steak and chips.
tomato soup is easy
boil stuff till soft,liquidise,swallow. lie back and dream of steak and chips.
tomato soup is easy[

:lol-053::lol-053:I love tomato soup but it doesnt love me .... wonder if I could make a steak and chip soup you never know it could catch on.
We have what we call Chicken hot pot, it also turns in to a super soup if put through a liquidiser,and freezes well.
Put your Chicken pieces in a pressure cooker,and fry in a little oil, add garlic, onions and leeks and continue to fry, add Mushrooms and add sweet corn [frozen fresh or tinned] add potatoes , carrots and swede or any other veg you like, pour in a tin of chopped tomatoes and a further can full of hot water, salt and pepper to taste,tea spoon of sugar if you like, a chilly adds flavour if you like them.put the lid on the Pressure cooker and cook for about 20 minutes, when safe to,open the pressure cooker and add a gravy mix , a chicken OXO and a bit more boiling water if needed, let it bubble for 5 minutes on the hob and it is ready to eat, we have it with boiled rice or pasta, super quick meal, great for Camping as it is all done in one pot ,2 if you cook rice. For you to have it as soup, just put some in a liquidiser and wizz till it is thin enough for your taste, as I said it freezes very well so you could make a large batch and use some as and when,stir in some fresh cream if you like and can eat it, Bon Appetite
NB. this recipe works well with Pork too.
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I joint a whole chicken rather than by it already in bits. Boil the carcass for a couple of hours with celery carrot bay leaf onion etc (no salt) then remove carcass and veg put veg back in and liquidisers season to taste.

Here's another more seasonal recipe:

Lettuce soup

1 large lettuce shredded
1 med onion finely chopped
1 med potato finely chopped
1 oz /25g butter
450 ml milk
300 ml chicken stock
Salt & pepper
Double cream optional

Fry veg gently in butter, do not brown, for 5 mins
Add milk & stock
Bring to boil stirring, cover and simmer gently for 15 mins.
Liquidise season and reheat. Serve with a swirl of cream, optional.

Can be frozen
Oh no, so sorry to hear you're not well herbenny, hope things get better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Can't believe you're having soup, i've just had some tomato - twinny.

My favourite is homemade butternut squash. Peel and dice the squash, add veggie stock cubes and a few chillie flakes. Boil till soft then liquidise - simples. You can use any veg, not sure if butternut squash is available at the moment.

You take care and make sure you follow doctors orders. :heart:
I joint a whole chicken rather than by it already in bits. Boil the carcass for a couple of hours with celery carrot bay leaf onion etc (no salt) then remove carcass and veg put veg back in and liquidisers season to taste.

Here's another more seasonal recipe:

Lettuce soup

1 large lettuce shredded
1 med onion finely chopped
1 med potato finely chopped
1 oz /25g butter
450 ml milk
300 ml chicken stock
Salt & pepper
Double cream optional

Fry veg gently in butter, do not brown, for 5 mins
Add milk & stock
Bring to boil stirring, cover and simmer gently for 15 mins.
Liquidise season and reheat. Serve with a swirl of cream, optional.

Can be frozen

Oh sue sounds that sounds nice .....I best avoid the cream me thinks. Thank you will let you know how it turns out xx
Oh no, so sorry to hear you're not well herbenny, hope things get better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Can't believe you're having soup, i've just had some tomato - twinny.

My favourite is homemade butternut squash. Peel and dice the squash, add veggie stock cubes and a few chillie flakes. Boil till soft then liquidise - simples. You can use any veg, not sure if butternut squash is available at the moment.

You take care and make sure you follow doctors orders. :heart:

Thank you twinny .....oh and I cant believe your having soup also..............:lol-053::lol-053:
Just got back from Sainsburys and they had plenty of butternut squash so guess what i'll be doing tonight........ on the other hand I might just read my book, the one you recommended last weekend Jac ;)
Just got back from Sainsburys and they had plenty of butternut squash so guess what i'll be doing tonight........ on the other hand I might just read my book, the one you recommended last weekend Jac ;)

erm .......not Mr Grey ???? Oooooo la la :lol-053:
As I am under doctors orders to have liquids only for a while I thought I would make a batch of chicken soup. I dont mind chicken soup, but it has to be interesting has anyone got any special recipes I could have please.

In fact any soup recipes would be appreciated......


Why not forget about soups and just pull into one of the pub stop-over POI's for a couple of weeks? You could get plenty of "liquids-only" and even if it didn't help you to feel better, after a while you wouldn't care!!

Or to be more serious, I recently bought a copy of "The Soup Bible" by Debra Mayhew, and can recommend it. It has over 200 recipes including over a dozen that are based on chicken. You can buy it new for less than £10, or used for under £3, both including P&P from Amazon.....

The Soup Bible. All the soups you will ever need in one inspirational collection.: Debra Mayhew: Books

Incidentally, after getting into bad habits and being less active for a while, I decided to go on a 7-day detox & recharge program (at home). This involved drinking nothing except various mixtures of freshly home-juiced fruit and/or vegatables and no solid foods at all. After a few days of this I felt much fitter, more energetic and a lot lighter and healthier than I had done for ages. I didn't feel at all hungry, as I was actually supplying myself with more nutrients and goodness than any good solid-food diet would have. After the 7 days I had also lost over 12 pounds in weight, in a perfectly natural and healthy way! :):):)
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You can't beat homemade Leek and Potato soup, so easy to make (Leeks Poatoes and stock! and you can throw in in whatever else you like - sweetcorn goes well.

Get well soon x
i forgot the barley ! the secret ingredient that gives it that certain je ne sais quoi. yummy! [or is that je ne sais pourquoi ? ]
I hope you are going to be ok Herbenny.

I thought you looked a bit peaky on the ghost hunt!

No seriously I hope you will be ok.

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