Machine Guns, explosions, .... rattaatatattatt .... kabooom .... going on all night from 8pm till midnight.
At one point I thought they were aiming at the van it was so loud. Now they are at it again this morning. More loud explosions and gun fire.
Have I parked for the night in a War Zone ? No Im on Purbeck Hills above Lulworth firing range in Dorset and did't realise they were going to practice for armageddon !!!! DUH ...
At one point I thought they were aiming at the van it was so loud. Now they are at it again this morning. More loud explosions and gun fire.
Have I parked for the night in a War Zone ? No Im on Purbeck Hills above Lulworth firing range in Dorset and did't realise they were going to practice for armageddon !!!! DUH ...