we stopped off near york last night, parked out of sight of houses and the road. we have used this place before without problem but this morning a guy from the council stopped by and said he had had a complaint. dont know if this is true or if he was been a jobsworth because he was there to empty a dog bin. there are no signs up. really like this place so dont know wether to go back or not.
Oh No!!! The World is being taken over by Dog Bin Emptiers !!!!! :lol-053: As you say yorkslass - perhaps he was just being a 'jobsworth' but, there again, he might simply have been trying to strike up a conversation about his 'complaint' which (given his occupation), would probably have been Distemper. If he approaches you the next time that you park there then keep him at bay with a long pointy stick and watch out for signs of rolling eyes and frothing at the mouth!!