Our 1984 VW Karmann Gipsy



I bought it back from Germany myself in 2006

with a few other Karmanns at our annual treffen(meeting) in the peak district

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and just noticed the totally illegal number plate lol
The local plods are less observant then you-got pulled over once by a copper on a bike to allow a Wide load through-he did that thing that the English do when talking to foreigners-talked very loudly and waved his arms and pointed a lot,he even attempted a bit of pidgin english/german"Grosser wagen kommen down the Stasse mate" I replied in my best German and thanked him for the information.Its left hand drive and has German stickers and a roundel on the back!:lol-053:

also on my Export plates from when I bought it back.
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The local plods are less observant then you-got pulled over once by a copper on a bike to allow a Wide load through-he did that thing that the English do when talking to foreigners-talked very loudly and waved his arms and pointed a lot,he even attempted a bit of pidgin english/german"Grosser wagen kommen down the Stasse mate" I replied in my best German and thanked him for the information.Its left hand drive and has German stickers and a roundel on the back!:lol-053:


when i had my T3, with Berlin numberplates over here, i had blonde hair, tall, blue eyes and german jacket.... window down and everyone was slagging off the germans, trouble is, when i speak back in a yorkshire accents and i ask them to repeat to my face what they said they soon shut up lol.

have you got a LHD sticker on the rear? i had idiots beeping at me etc, when i had to point at a different angle at junktions due to the wheel on the wrong side.... they didnt seem to understand no matter how many times i tried to explain i had restricted vision.
i never botherd with export plates as techically, 'export' is outside of the EU transfering stuff, so i just brought it over. paper work just sent back to germany, with a value of 1eu. and i guess you know how long and complicated german paperwork is, not like our V5 i fill out in seconds...........#
i never botherd with export plates as techically, 'export' is outside of the EU transfering stuff, so i just brought it over. paper work just sent back to germany, with a value of 1eu. and i guess you know how long and complicated german paperwork is, not like our V5 i fill out in seconds...........#

Yep the Germans really do like stamping documents!

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