Insurance time again and value shock


Full Member

I did a quick search yesterday and was pleasantly surprised at the market value of our Betsy. So.... as it's the 11th month of the insurance it's time to take quotes and all that pallaver. What sort of costs are involved in a tracker folks?
If required by insurance they should have a list of ones that meet their approval. If you want one for your own peace of mind then costs vary hugely.
Both the physical tracker with fitting and monitoring can be expensive.

Below is a link to give you an idea.
Linky Thingy Here

I did a quick search yesterday and was pleasantly surprised at the market value of our Betsy. So.... as it's the 11th month of the insurance it's time to take quotes and all that pallaver. What sort of costs are involved in a tracker folks?
Make sure you fit one that meets insurance requirements, failure to do so could be an expensive error.

We went with Phantom here’s their website.

They do a lifetime monitoring charge for £399, it’s worth considering as it pays for itself in 2.5 years. I think the monthly payment is £13.50.

Make sure you fit one that meets insurance requirements, failure to do so could be an expensive error.

We went with Phantom here’s their website.

They do a lifetime monitoring charge for £399, it’s worth considering as it pays for itself in 2.5 years. I think the monthly payment is £13.50.

I got their list this morning and while Phantom is on it the trackers are all listed as discontinued. Damn.