For the price of each of the above swanky gadgets I'm wondering how many meals you could make instead by using just a normal hob/stove top and normal pots & pans... ?
My wife uses the Remoska in our home kitchen most of the time for roasts etc, jacket spuds in the microwave then into the remoska to finish, our second remouska copes with the roast spuds and parsnips whilst the first is doing the roast great results every time, sausage rolls cook very well in the rem as well , a steamer does the rest of the veg,we have a rem in the van but rarely use that as we seldom hook up, I do have an inverter but seldom bother, the pressure cooker is king in the van along with the gas hob steamer 3 tier for veg , we also use a pressure cooker in our home kitchen, we tried slow cookers but did not like them so again the pressure cooker is king, works for us, our van oven is never used and it is placed in a stupid dangerous position above the fridge freezer and is an accident waiting to happen, imagine lifting a dish of boiling fat or oil above your head , who designed these things ??Each to their own but I reckon financially I am in front with the remoska it uses 400 watts of electric as opposed to 2000 w on a conventional oven does pretty much the same with no discernible differences in cooking times
Baked Potatos, Roasting meat I think I get better results than a conventional oven