French Diesel

mike w

Full Member
Hi All,

Leaving for Roscoff this weekend, simple question, is it cheaper to fill up in the UK or wait till I am in France.
Swings and roundabouts come to mind at present as not a lot of difference when we were over a couple of months ago.
Cheaper in France when you take the exchange rate into consideration. I paid 1.85 euro per litre yesterday which by my sums works out at around £1.60/litre. We‘ve been away 7 or so weeks but I reckon this is better than uk. Beware though as some isolated stations are charging upwards of 2 euro/litre. LPG is certainly much cheaper (and easier to find) over here.
Having just got back, I can say that it's considerably cheaper in France.
You can check prices at any filling station in France on the official government website at
It currently shows B7 Gazole as €1.89/litre at Supermarché Casino, Kerguennec, 29680 Roscoff, while Leclerc at Morlaix sells it at €1.819.
It’s gradually going up here. On Monday I filled up at our local Super U at €1.73. Yesterday, driving past the same Super U it was €1.78, half an hour later it was €1.81.
Returned on the 19th, filled up at a SuperU near Morlaix @ 2.04 €/L
Still cheaper than back in Cornwall. 😢
It seems to be £1.999 everywhere I have seen over the last few days : Carmarthen, Cheltenham, Devon...

So yes, cheaper in France.
Diesel friday, Tesco Leyland was £1.999 per litre and Morrisons Leyland was £1.957 per litre.
Super U last week went up to €2.11 then dtopped down to €2.07 when I filled up on Friday. At todays exchange rate, that the equivalent of about £1.78
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Super U at St Brice en Cogles gone up 6 cents in a week now €2.08. Intermarche gas gone up € 10 in just under 3 yrs but still € 1 deposit
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Hi All,

Leaving for Roscoff this weekend, simple question, is it cheaper to fill up in the UK or wait till I am in France.
Just returned after 90 day trip in France, as well as other places, diesel and LPG both increased in prices steadily during this period and definitely worth shopping around online before you travel to given places. Watch out for Cora stations, they wanted €200 from me in addition to fuel drawn when using Revolut visa card, paid back within a few days... only fuel stations requesting this. Came across some places selling LPG had sold out, don't forget your different LPG connectors we used 3 different ones. Prices have been slowly rising just like UK. Have a great trip.
Just got back to UK yesterday. Fuel is cheaper off the main motorways as it is here so fill up in France There is also a 15c/Lt discount applied. Have a good trip.

Just noticed this post was dated at start of June. Ignore above. :confused:
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Just returned after 90 day trip in France, as well as other places, diesel and LPG both increased in prices steadily during this period and definitely worth shopping around online before you travel to given places. Watch out for Cora stations, they wanted €200 from me in addition to fuel drawn when using Revolut visa card, paid back within a few days... only fuel stations requesting this. Came across some places selling LPG had sold out, don't forget your different LPG connectors we used 3 different ones. Prices have been slowly rising just like UK. Have a great trip.
For fuel price comparisons online:
Thanks, we used several sites including this one and Google maps which all appeared relatively correct. I have just checked a few with the above sites and compared with Google map and the prices are identical.
That figures. The fuel stations are required to communicate their prices to the French government very regularly and I am aware of at least one organisation that then obtains that data from the government database, repackages and publishes it. Google probably source it from the government database as well.

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