Drawer Runners?


Full Member
Hello again
Does anyone know where underslung hydraulic drawer runners can be purchased from apart from expensive main dealers.
I am truly fed up with my Rapido drawers coming out when going around bends and subsequently rendering the runners useless.
I have carried spares up until now but have just used my last one.
Unfortunately it is only the right one that ever goes so I am well stocked with left ones!
Yes Sorry.


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Hmm they look a bit special, normally they have lots of mounting holes to fit any drawers, meantime could you swap a good set from the other side of the van?

Without some identifying make or part number you might struggle a bit.
Yes Sorry.
They look very much like the ones we have on our cutlery drawer which doesn't pull out far enough, I've been looking for longer ones without success. I fear I'm going to have to be inventive and adapt the drawer/cabinet to use a set of those posted by Edina Chris which are cheap and available everywhere. I've got the self closing ones on my bin drawers and the 'pull' is more than strong enough to keep the drawer shut without an additional catch.
I wonder if it is possibly easier to get Swift ones might do, I suspect that most will have the antin fly-out adaption on them.

Have look on O'Learys site with yours in your hand to compare.
They look a bit like Blum. They do loads of different types.

They look a bit like Blum. They do loads of different types.

Unfortunately it seems that one needs to purchase a minimum quantity of 18 pairs.
Unfortunately it seems that one needs to purchase a minimum quantity of 18 pairs.
Blum tandem runners are available from lots of places, just search tinternet. Blum typically put their name on the stuff they make so if your runners are like mine and 'nameless' then they're probably not Blum anyway.
Having said all that I wonder if it's possible for bigger companies like Ikea (and maybe Rapido?)to have Blum supply runners in bulk and leave the brand markings off so that customers have return to them to buy replacements at inflated costs??? Do keep us informed if you find a replacement please (y)