Anyone using AI call assist?


Full Member
I haven't used it yet but since google have gone all AI (on the latest Android version) I've got a call assist button when making phone calls.

It apparently gives instant translation on calls. You speak in English but the person on the other end hears in their language. When they reply in their language you hear it in English.

Have you used it? What's it like?
I haven't used it yet but since google have gone all AI (on the latest Android version) I've got a call assist button when making phone calls.

It apparently gives instant translation on calls. You speak in English but the person on the other end hears in their language. When they reply in their language you hear it in English.

Have you used it? What's it like?
Does it work with Glaswegians?
I haven't used it yet but since google have gone all AI (on the latest Android version) I've got a call assist button when making phone calls.

It apparently gives instant translation on calls. You speak in English but the person on the other end hears in their language. When they reply in their language you hear it in English.

Have you used it? What's it like?
Should be handy when ringing Amazon etc.
Should be handy when ringing Amazon etc.
Actually Kev, strangely I have found Amazon ok.
Twice recently I had issues one with the new telly for the van.
You end up talking to someone across the pond.
Last time I phoned was at 11pm , and I got through ok.
The girl wished told me to “have a good day”
I told her it’s almost tomorrow here, and she laughed.
Yes it can be Ok but I always got the Indian lady who although really quite nice I could never get through and have to ask them to speak slowly for my 74 year old tinnitus lugs.
Our van telly had a faulty dvd player when playing some dvds.
I thought it may be the dvds, but after six months it became obvious it was the player.
After doing the online stuff I got though to to a women, who offered me a full refund, and sent me a qr code for delivery back to them. I took the telly to my local post office in its original packing, showed him the qr code and hey presto one hour later £219 was back in my account. I have since bought a much better cello tv with much better sound quality for the same money from amazon. I much prefer them to eBay.
Oddly Bill we have bought three 24 inch Cellos for the vans in the past and had to return all of them for the terrible sound quality, each time they told us it was a software problem that had been sorted out, they lied each time so we started buying own brand from PC World.
I haven't used it yet but since google have gone all AI (on the latest Android version) I've got a call assist button when making phone calls.

It apparently gives instant translation on calls. You speak in English but the person on the other end hears in their language. When they reply in their language you hear it in English.

Have you used it? What's it like?
Screenshot pretty please?
It seems there are several apps that claim to do this. Most seem to be subscriptions / paid for apps with mixed reviews. Not found a free one yet that sounds like its going to do the job easily or well. I presume the Samsung one only works on Samsung phones.
It seems there are several apps that claim to do this. Most seem to be subscriptions / paid for apps with mixed reviews. Not found a free one yet that sounds like its going to do the job easily or well. I presume the Samsung one only works on Samsung phones.
Yes Barry, and then only the galaxy s22,23 and 24. It is samsung and not google.

According to the review it is fairly accurate but could be faster. The other phone can be a non wifi connected landline or anything. Apparently the warning to the other end that it is a translated call has put some off.
Sally has it on Samsung does work at a fashion but you need to talk slowly and precisely. At least that's what we found. The same as the written translator , it did get confused when using Spanish talking to our daughter ...she kept saying "what the hell you on about" as it made no sense.