An interesting article - and a lot in it makes sense. But there are things that do not make much sense to me, such as:
1. the statement that oil is not a major factor - I know someone who worked in the oil fields in Lybia and, although foreign companies are tolerated they are far from secure in Ghadaffi's Lybia, so the argument that the west would be more secure with the devil they know than the army they are hoping to help into power seems thin. Or let's put it another way - if the inevitable happens and the rebels take control are they likely to tolerate oil companies from countries who helped them or those who did not?
2. the statement that Syria's army is better equipped than Libya's - the last time it was tested, Israel smashed it, so does anybody really think the USA would consider this to be a problem?
3. the west hasn't intervened because it doesn't know who to support - how does this differ from Libya, where nothing much unites the warlords of the rebel opposition except the desire to get rid of Ghadaffi - and from what little we know they are not averse to killing each other!
As for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, yes they might be a problem but I doubt that it is realistic to say they are a bigger potential threat than Al Qaeda. I know Egypt very well and have had many a long conversation with, among others, members of the Brotherhood. Their stated positon is of non-violence (Bin Laden disowned them for being an enemy of the Jihad) and their proposals for the forthcoming elections suggest that they will be modelling themselves on the Turkish model (ruled by an Islamic Party that has modified its ideals since taking power so as to be considered an ally by the USA). They are acutely aware of the need to maintain the tourist industry and are careful to do nothing that might stop people visiting Egypt. Of course, if and when the do take power, things could change (and I am aware of the precedents, such as Hitler in Germany) but for the moment the Brotherhood have a very softly-softly approach, not least because they have very little support among the young - and that is crucial in a country like Egypt. An interesting debate, though.