15 months restoration work but got there in the end ! VW old school !


Hi, this is our van, Alice. She is a 1977 twin slider VW Bay Window camper van, with standard 1600 Twin Port engine, currently !

Was a wreck when we bought her, major work done on underneath, bodywork etc., brakes changed back and front, new clutch, new push rod tubes, new master cylinder. Then into interior fitter for 6 weeks work.

Went to Latitude festival, various trips to Norfolk coast. Brighton Breeze booked on 1st Oct, then to motorhome show at NEC, then away for the winter. Looking forward to many weekends away next year and a tour of Portugal and Spain in the Summer !


Keen to know about some great wild camping sites on East Coast and Cornwall area.
very nice job you done there, hope you enjoy it.

I've always wanted to do a complete rebuild of a VW camper, preferably split windscreen, but unfortunately we haven't got tolerant neighbours, they're a bunch of miserable b@zt@Rds.
what an excellent bay, i am hopefully changing my talbot for a vw t4 poptop. the only downside i see when wilding is the lack of toilet. ok if there is only 2 of you but not very private if you have kids. i am sure we will find a way around it. its funny it took you 15 months to restore and its 15 years since i thought i had conquered my adiction to vw's:lol-053:
very nice you've done a nice job. we have been saving up for a vw campervan and will hopefully have one by next year cant wait. :)

Hi, this is our van, Alice. She is a 1977 twin slider VW Bay Window camper van, with standard 1600 Twin Port engine, currently !

Was a wreck when we bought her, major work done on underneath, bodywork etc., brakes changed back and front, new clutch, new push rod tubes, new master cylinder. Then into interior fitter for 6 weeks work.

Went to Latitude festival, various trips to Norfolk coast. Brighton Breeze booked on 1st Oct, then to motorhome show at NEC, then away for the winter. Looking forward to many weekends away next year and a tour of Portugal and Spain in the Summer !

View attachment 2835View attachment 2836View attachment 2837

Keen to know about some great wild camping sites on East Coast and Cornwall area.

great looking camper enjoy

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